Elegant contracts issued effortlessly

Create enrollment contracts tailored to each family's needs, all with a singular template.

Bring Clarity to your enrollment contracts

A single template for all of your contracts

The Magic Contract Builder is the only template you need to create personalized contracts for each family. From payment plans to contract language, customize every aspect of your contracts in one template. Like magic.

Release contracts with confidence

With the Magic Contract Builder you no longer have to think about who needs which contract. Plus, get a detailed preview of exactly what each household will see, for total peace of mind.

Get quicker signatures and deposits

Families can easily sign contracts, make deposit payments, and set up their payment plan all from their phone. The result: faster enrollments with fewer questions.

Make changes with ease

When a family needs to enroll mid-year, you can easily prorate the tuition. When a family needs to change from a two-pay to a ten-pay plan, you can make that change in just a couple clicks. And when something changes and you need to issue a contract addendum, you can do it with ease.

Real-time net tuition revenue tracking

As families sign contracts, your InTuition dashboard automatically updates to give you a real-time view into your net tuition revenue, enrollment, discount rates, and much more.

Built-in compliance

With Clarity, compliance with the Federal Truth in Lending Act (TILA), Regulation E, and changing state laws is automatic. Parents receive a custom TILA disclosure as part of their contract, if required, based on the payment plan they select.